Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thursday Thirteen No. 6

Thirteen Things I Am Thankful For

1. I am thankful for the God of all creation who loved me enough to provide a plan for my salvation that I might spend an eternity in a place that that He has prepared for me.

2. My parents who loved me, gave me a strong set of values and set wonderful examples of what a husband, father, and man of God should be and how he should relate to the world around him. They were married for 60 years before Mom passed away in 2003. Their marriage still stands as an example of what love and commitment is all about.

3. My wife without whom I would be nothing. My appreciation for her love and support over the 33 years we have been married cannot be adequately put into words.

4. Our daughter and Son-in-Law with whom we share many wonderful experiences. They have given us four of the greatest grand kids on the planet.

5. The grand kids who are a special blessing and a gift of God. They bring joy to everything.

6. My church which provides me with a source of spiritual renewal and refreshment each week. It provide me with the opportunity to share God's word with other believers and and equips me to share His love with those who do not know Him and need Him as much as I do. My church has provided me with my closest friends in this world.

7. My job. God has given me the privilege of doing something that I dearly love, architecture.

8. Living in the greatest country on planet earth. For all of it's problems, this is the most blessed and best place to live.

9. My good health and the good health of my family. I have several friends that are not doing well. One of them will probably not be with us this time next year.

10. The Bible. I am thankful that God has provided me with a guide book for life. If you want a little wisdom, read a chapter a day of Proverbs. If you want to know how to relate to one another, read Matthew 5, 6, & 7, the Sermon on the Mount. If you want to know how much God loves you, read the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

11. My home. I am humbled that God allows me to live as well as I do. I have done nothing to deserve the privilege of living like this.

12. Creation. Every time I take a walk in the woods, go fishing in a stream, or watch the colors change in the fall or life renewed in the spring I am constantly amazed by God's creation. All you have to do is watch a couple of episodes of Planet Earth on the Discovery Channel to realize none of this stuff just happened and then evolved into what it is now. It was designed and created by a God so awesome that no one will ever understand it all.

13. I am thankful for those of you who do stop by this blog occasionally to read the thoughts of someone traveling through this world just like you.

May the God of all Creation give you a day richly blessed with family and friends. May He fill your life journey with as many reminders of His presence and His love for you as He has mine. Happy Thanksgiving and may God Bless!

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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


Cynthia said...

Well you have much to be thankful for! Hope you had a great holiday!

The Gal Herself said...

What a serious, thoughtful list. Happy Thanksgiving.

Greatfullivin said...

What a wonderful list. We do have a lot in common. Isn't it great to reap the blessings of God when we know we don't desrve it! A very Happy Thanksgiving weekend to you and your family!

Angie said...

Beautiful words. You are truly blessed.