Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday's Thoughts

We're off to Tulsa later this morning. We're going to see my dad. We're taking two of the grandcrew with us. The other two will arrive later this evening with their parents. The oldest is playing in a soccer tournament in Broken Arrow, OK on Saturday and Sunday. I should be a fun weekend for everyone.
In a day and age when people are looking for answers and there seem to be none to be found I would encourage you to look to the Creator of life.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it." John 1:1
"...I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die...." John 11:25-26
"I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." John 14:6
The answers to life's questions can be found in God's Word. It is life's instruction book and it will speak to your every need. Today's inspirational song, "Word of God Speak" from Mercy Me. Enjoy.

Word of God Speak - Mercy Me


DoubleDeckerBusGuy said...

Not to disparage the words you've cited (AT ALL!) but I think I'd find all the answers I'd need watching the soccer tournament, meeting with family, and enjoying the weekend... which is that sometimes, looking for answers or even trying to work them out ourselves must take a back seat to the simple pleasures of life...

In the long run, isn't that what it's all about?

Have a FANTASTIC weekend!