Monday, March 9, 2009

March Madness

I know, it's March Madness. So I thought I'd pay tribute to the season by posting a couple of pics of the two middle grand crew in their basketball uni's. They play Upward league at the church each Saturday. Their season is about to come to a close so here are a few shots from recent games."M" is a much better athlete that most give her credit for. She's got a good shot, when she takes it, and plays decent defense, at least for 9 years old.
Big Blue (because of her eyes) is the bulldog of the family. She will have her way. She moves without the ball hoping that they will pass it to her. Once she gets the ball, it's going to the hoop! It's hard to tell from this picture, but she's had just about all of that defender she can stand. Somebody's about to catch an elbow in the chest, the ref will never see a thing, and there will be tears.When she's not in the game, you'll find Big Blue sitting next to the coach. That's because the coach is her daddy, and NOBODY sits next to her daddy but her. That's just the rule.
You would never guess that these two were sisters and only 18 months apart would you?
Well I hope you get your brackets filled out and I hope you win your office pool. I'll be watching as much as I can, because I do like college hoops. But I think I like Upward better. I wonder why?


mommanator said...

childrens games are so much fun to watch, as long as the parents will let the kiddos play!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Most excellent post Sir....They are very pretty young women

Sandee said...

Grandpas precious little girls. Adorable.

Have a terrific day. Big hug. :)

Amy, aka ABB said...

Love those freckles!

So glad you enjoy being a grandad.

Travis Cody said...

I remember coaching munchkins. Once you got them to understand that all 5 of them didn't need to be right next to the ball, it was fun!

Picture've got a rugby scrum with 10 kids in the middle of the floor. Then all of a sudden the ball rolls free and all 10 kids go chasing after it.

And you have 2 coaches on the sidelines with their heads in their hands, and a gym full of parents rolling with laughter.

Good times!

They do catch on after a few games though. Kids learn fast.