The oldest grand daughter turns thirteen this Sunday. So in honor of this event I present a short, 13 photo, history of her life for your viewing pleasure. This is the cake. Happy Birthday Scooter. I can't call her that in public any more. It embarrasses her.
She is fifteen months old in this photo. That smile has always been there. Scooter is a party going some place to happen. That rocking horse was made by her great grandfather and painted by her great grandmother for her mother.
At two and a half, she was a bride! That day will come soon enough at it is.
She is four years old here and it's Halloween. That's her baby sister "M". If you want to see more of "M", just scroll down a couple of posts. That will make you feel old in a hurry and appreciate just how fast time flies.
At five, she's graduating from preschool. I don't remember graduating from preschool.
At six, she's playing soccer. She's good at this sport and still plays. In fact she's on a traveling under 13 team this year.
At eight we took the kids to Disney World. It was a magical week. We went back last summer.
This is her ninth birthday party. And yes, that is the bald headed pumpkin, little sister in the background. I told you, time flies when you're having fun.
At ten, she now has two sisters and a brother. You must have missed those last two. Time is moving on. The whole crew is in their Easter finest, but someone is not the happiest camper in the hundred acre wood.
Eleven years old and still playing soccer. These shots are from a 3 on 3 tournament.
Twelve years old and a return trip to Disney World with all of the brothers and sisters. It was great fun for every one.
Thirteen years old! We've come a looong way from that rocking horse girl.
Thirteen years ago God brought you into our lives and none of us have ever been the same. You have brought love, joy, and excitement to every part of our lives. We have watched you grow from a baby that we called “Scooter”, because you scooted across the floor before you learned to crawl or walk, into a beautiful young lady that we know as Katelyn. Our lives are filled with memories of a little girl that has always been the life of the party, the adventure seeker, and the object of our affection. Nana and I love you and we are very proud of the young lady that you have become.
It is our prayer that you continue to grow and mature into the woman that God would have you to be. He has always had a special plan for you and we can’t wait to see what it is. Until then, we will continue to pray for His presence in your life and that He will always hold you close and guide your every step.
Thank you for all of the joy you have given us. We look forward to sharing many more birthdays with you.
All of our Love,
Nana & PaPa
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understandings. In all your way acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths Proverbs 3:5-7
March 22, 2009
What a wonderful tribute to your granddaughter.
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Scooter,
Happy Birthday to you.
Have a terrific day. Big hug. :)
A beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl! Happy Birthday, Scooter! You have a wonderful grandpa, here.
I had tears in my eyes while reading this. I lost my father in June (3 weeks before the birth of my fourth child)his grandchildren were the apple of his eye, much like yours and he would leave me comments on my blog as thoughtful and as kind as yours was to your granddaughter. I know if he lived to see my oldest thirteen he would do something similiar. I hope everyone appreciates you as much as you do them. You have beautiful grandchildren.
She is 13 kinds of cute:)
...."Scooter" is turning into ONE very beautiful and bright woman.
Happy Birthday to her.
My thirteen is posted. Come visit and view some of my favorite personal photos I took of them....Clydesdales that is. Happy Thursday.
Happy (belated) Birthday, Scooter! (...and don't worry about your Grandpere and his using that name here... nothin' but us bloggers hangin' about!)
My youngest celebrated her entry into teenaged-hood last November... and feels much more mature and responsible for her change from pre-teen to teen... I, as most fathers do, simply worry about those things called "boys"... apparently, I was one once, but in the same way your Grandpere does not remember graduating pre-school, I have trouble remembering last Tuesday, so I don't remember being a "teenaged boy"... therefore, they are foreign and scary to me.
...but apparently, teenaged girls quite like them.
Oh well! Happy birthday!
Wow, what wonderful thoughts and what happy photos. I hope you guys will share many more birthdays together.
Absolutely beautiful! Happy Birthday Scooter!
BRAVO Driller....simply BRAVO!
Stunning tribute to your granddaughter! Someday she will remember the name Scooter with love.
Tabbikat's Thoughts
What wonderful happy photos! Love the sports shots! Happy birthday Scooter!
What a terrific PaPa you are. Scooter is very lucky to have you! Happy Birthday Scooter Girl!
Isnt she a beauty! Time flies, doesnt it? Happy TT and thanks for stopping by:)
Happy Birthday Scooter! A very sentimental 13 full of love. Brought back memories of my older girls. Lovely. :)
Happy birthday to a beautiful young lady!
This is one of the best T13s of the week. I hope that Scooter had an enjoyable 13th birthday.
Happy Birthday, Scooter! Driller, she will have your wonderful post to remember! :)
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