Thirteen Programs On My Computer
Ok, so I'm sitting here staring at a blank screen with a brain to match. I got nothin' for a Thursday Thirteen. Well, what about those little icons staring back at me. I wonder how many other people use these programs or have better ones to do the same thing. Here are thirteen programs that I use on a regular basis.

1. Chief Achitect 10.0: This started out life as 3D Home Architect and was $49.95. It has grown into a full blown cad program over the years. It was doing 3D renderings when AutoCad was still a 2D drafting program. It was always more intuitive.

2. WinCleaner: This is a great program for cleaning up the computer. It will even destroy files to Department of Defense standards if you want.
3. MicroSoft Works 8.0: If it wern't for the fact that the entire civilized world seems to use full-blown MSWord, this program would satisfy all of my word processing needs. I don't have that many needs.
4. MSPublisher 2007: I like this program for basic desktop publishing. I like the next program better.
5. PrintShop Design Suite 22.0: I've had this program since version 3.0. It is more intuitive than Publisher and much more powerful as well. It is my PhotoShop Lite so to speak.
6. MS Streets & Trips 2007: I like this program better than Delorme', again, because it is more user friendly. It has a couple of glitches that are annoying though. I have the GPS unit for my travels. It is a wonderful addition.

7. Roxio Premier 8.0: This has been my favorite for burning CD's, data and music, over the years. I haven't upgraded to 10.0 yet, but I probably will soon.
8. Windows Media Player 10.0 : This program works well with my MP3 player for downloading and synching my music.
9. Windows Media Center (Vista): I'm not sure I'm crazy about this program. I like some of the features, but the previous two programs are easier to use.
10. MSPowerPoint 2007: I don't use this program as much lately, but I love playing with it.

11. Adobe Reader 8.0: I have never had a need for full-blown Adobe Acrobat. Maybe I do have that need, I just don't know it.

12. Logos Bible Study Software: This is the most amazing software of it's kind on the planet. Words cannot begin to describe what is available in this package. If you are a serious student of the Bible, you must have this software.

13. PhotoShop Elements 5.0: You knew I'd get around to this eventually. Just scroll through some recent archived posts and you can see that I love this program. I am currently taking my second online course and I am loving it more every day. I may have to create a PhotoBlog just to post some additional stuff there. Flick'r here I come!
There you have it. If you're using something better let me know. No, I'm not going to go buy a Mac just to have some better programs, so don't go there.
Ok, so I'm sitting here staring at a blank screen with a brain to match. I got nothin' for a Thursday Thirteen. Well, what about those little icons staring back at me. I wonder how many other people use these programs or have better ones to do the same thing. Here are thirteen programs that I use on a regular basis.

1. Chief Achitect 10.0: This started out life as 3D Home Architect and was $49.95. It has grown into a full blown cad program over the years. It was doing 3D renderings when AutoCad was still a 2D drafting program. It was always more intuitive.

2. WinCleaner: This is a great program for cleaning up the computer. It will even destroy files to Department of Defense standards if you want.

7. Roxio Premier 8.0: This has been my favorite for burning CD's, data and music, over the years. I haven't upgraded to 10.0 yet, but I probably will soon.

11. Adobe Reader 8.0: I have never had a need for full-blown Adobe Acrobat. Maybe I do have that need, I just don't know it.

12. Logos Bible Study Software: This is the most amazing software of it's kind on the planet. Words cannot begin to describe what is available in this package. If you are a serious student of the Bible, you must have this software.

13. PhotoShop Elements 5.0: You knew I'd get around to this eventually. Just scroll through some recent archived posts and you can see that I love this program. I am currently taking my second online course and I am loving it more every day. I may have to create a PhotoBlog just to post some additional stuff there. Flick'r here I come!
There you have it. If you're using something better let me know. No, I'm not going to go buy a Mac just to have some better programs, so don't go there.
That was interesting! I'm not very computer-savvy... instead, I just married someone who is. :) So, I'm not familiar with alot of the programs you listed. The programs I use the most are Ulead (a scrapbooking program, but I'm not totally cracked over it) and Corel Draw (the BEST program ever for design work! You can do about anything with it and I do scrapbooking with it more than with Ulead. You can also do any PhotoShopping effects with it too). I use Quicken for the checkbook.
I have Media center on my laptop (XP) but I hate it. I have so many other programs that are so much easier to use. I amy have to try LOGOS though.
My Thursday Thirteen #73 is up! 13 What I SHould Have Said and What I Said Stop by if you get a chance.
Like kitchen scrapbook...I am not tech savvy...but I can always consult with my engineering husband. I just bought I just need someone to tell me how to use it!
Heh, you read my mind... I was GOING to say, if you get a MAC....hehehe
This is a good idea for a 13. There were a couple of things on your list that caught my eye. I'll be looking into the Design Suite and the Roxio.
Although I have my Ipod for all of my music, I've been converting cassettes and soon I'll do my albums. If something catastrophic happens to my music files, I'd like to have them on CD so I don't have to go through this long process again.
la-la-la-la ...not going to mention the "M" nope no gonna... LOL
And TRAVIS! best bet is to buy a 500gb storage drive and backup your system - including all your tuneage to it... they are less than $200.00
damn you can get a terabyte one for about $230.00
you might spend that in blank CDs and then think of the time saved
hmmm. well I use the windows media player to play my music but not any of the other ones. I use WORD when I have to write something rather than works or publisher.
I think I have all of these... I love that the Adobe picture is so big - that's certainly how they feel about themselves! lol!
Happy TT!
Great list, Driller! How clever of you to think of these software programs. I have a lot of them. I love MS Publisher. I have Adobe Photoshop instead of Photo Elements. :D
This list is so creative. Whenever I read things like this or Dane Bramage's list I wonder "why didn't *I* think of that?!"
I use some of those! I have most of them, but I don't have photo shop, but I wish I did. I can't afford it. Maybe it'd be a good gift? For someone who says they have nothin', that was a great TT!
Yeah, but it's the program you don't know about that reside on your computer that are most disconcerting, eh? :)
I don't use any of those but I suspect that I use Word only because everyone else does.
I came here through our mutual friend Travis. Great list! Do you find your Bible software more comprehensive then Bible Gateway?
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