Friday, September 5, 2008

Friday Thoughts

Fall is officially here, because high school football season begins tonight. Our local team is on the road so I won't be going to the game.
Both political conventions are over and I'm still a little disappointed in the choices I have.
That's it for this Friday.

Here is a classic hymn for your enjoyment.

Old Rugged Cross - John Berry


Travis Erwin said...

High School Football started her last week. My nephew you is a senior D-lineman and his team is 2-0 after playing last night.

Sandee said...

Glad you enjoy fall and football. Yes, the choices for President is the same as always.

Love the hymn. One of my mothers favorites. God rest her soul. Have a great day. :)

DoubleDeckerBusGuy said...

Thank you kindly for your comments on my blog as always... they really mean a lot to me.

That said, my best wishes and hopes for the local football team! I played football in High School... and it means a LOT when a good quantity of people attend outside the student body... and although you have to miss this one, it's obvious you'll be there for the home games which are MOST important!


Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Now living in the South HS Football is much more important than it used to be and up north, we played on Saturdays.