Monday, May 4, 2009

Ruby Tuesday

The cream of the crop, a Z21 Ranger Comanche bass boat. You are looking at about $60,000 worth of fishing machine at a local boat dealer. It's 21 feet long and has 250 hp hanging off the back. This little jewel will run down the lake in excess of 80 mph! If money were no object (but it always is), this would be sitting at my house. As always, click to fill your screen with a Ruby Red accent stripe.


Sandee said...

We see these all over the Delta. They have tournaments almost every weekend. Our neighbor across the street just bought a new fishing boat last fall. He's gone a lot doing the tournaments too. I hope someday you will have one of these sitting at your house.

Have a terrific day. Big hug. :)

Travis Cody said...


ellen b said...

Ahh that is one pretty boat! happy ruby to you...

Jeri ~ said...

That is a beauty for sure....maybe you will win the lottery!!!!!

James said...

I have two of those in my garage. Just kidding. wow that's quite a ruby trimmed machine. Maybe you'll get one "Sooner" or later. :-)

DrillerAA said...

Sandee: They are the boat of choice for many pro-anglers.

Travis: Yes it is!

Ellen: It is a great looking boat for sure.

Jeri: Only problem is, I don't play the lottery.

James: The red stripe is what caught my eye and Ruby Tuesday is what came to mind.

Anonymous said...

With that price tag! Man it has gotta be a great piece of machine!

Happy Ruby Tuesday :)

Marie Reed said...

Me too! Me too! I just love to fish and water ski! This would be sooo much fun..if money were no object that is!

Martha said...

Nice boat!

My Ruby Tuesday

mommanator said...


Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

OH yeah baby....

Robin said...

I'm not into fishing but give me a good fast motorboat anytime :). That is sweet.

Anonymous said...

My ex had 3 boats for fishing. I SO don't get fishing.

Ralph said...

I like the matching trailer also! 250 HP...lots of bounce when flying over the wake. So this boat works best on a calm lake. But what fun is that?!

DrillerAA said...

napaboaniya: It is indeed, one fine piece of machinery.

Marie: It would, for a fact be serious fun.

Martha: Yes, very nice boat.

Mommanator: Like Travis said "Suuuuuweeeeeet", indeed.

Bond: OH yeah baby!

Robin: Yep, you don't have to enjoy fishing to enjoy this ride.

Barb: You don't have to get fishing, just get going.

Ralph: At 21 feet, it is a much smoother ride than you might think.

RW said...

Awesome! Would love to take that bass fishing!

maryt/theteach said...

Wow, Driller! Only $60,000? I would think a lot more! It's a beauty! Great Ruby Tuesday!